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How to Prepare Your Furnace for the Winter Season

Winter is already starting to set in. With temperatures beginning to drop, you don't want to be caught off guard with a broken or dysfunctional furnace. Its never too late to prepare. In addition to having a warm home or business, you may be able to save on heating expenses. 

Remember, each manufacturer may have separate maintenance instructions. However, here are some simple steps applicable to most systems. 

1) Have your furnace inspected and maintained each year.

Having a professional maintain your furnace annually may help to extend the life of your furnace and minimize problems before they become bigger issues. 

2) Inspect your chimney.

Look for obstructions such as birds nests or debis. Ensure that any visible soot is also identified and removed. Build up of soot and/or debris can be a fire hazard. Consider having a professional clean and maintain your chimney. 

3) Replace your furnace filter. 

Furnace filters should be replaced every season. Make sure your current filter is free from dust and debis. If your filter is located within the furnace, make sure to shut off the power before attempting to change the filter. 

4) Ensure the burners are free of dust and debris.

Dust can collect during the summer months. Before starting your furnace burners, make sure they are clean and check for misalignment and rust. 

5) If needed, oil the furnace blowers.

The furnace blower motor is an important component of the furnace. Ensuring it is in proper working order is critical to getting the most from your furnace during the winter. 

6) Verify the thermostat is working properly.

If the thermostat is not working properly, your furnace may not operate as efficiently. Turn on your thermostat and verify that it starts up immediately. 

7) Make sure heating vents are open

Sometimes, vents will get covered by furniture or household items throughout the year. Make sure they are open and free of any obstructions to ensure your furnace can operate efficiently. 

This winter, make sure to schedule a professional to inspect and maintain your furnace. This will help improve the life of your furnace, ensure you are warm throughout the winter, and help save money throughout the long season.  

2nd Dec 2015 Chris Malvern

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